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Get a Bigger Butt with Our Non-Surgical Procedure

Introductory Insights

Butt cupping is a non-invasive treatment that uses suction cups to improve the appearance of buttocks. It can help increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and tone the buttocks. The results are not permanent, and multiple treatments may be necessary. Initial treatments are often performed one or two times per week, for a total of six to 10 sessions. To maintain results, monthly sessions are recommended.

Key Takeaways

Butt cupping is a form of therapy that uses suction cups to lift and sculpt the buttocks. It's a non-invasive procedure often marketed as a way to enhance the shape and tone of the gluteal muscles. The process involves placing suction cups on the skin, which create a vacuum effect, increasing blood flow and stimulating muscle tissue. Some practitioners claim it can help reduce cellulite, tighten the skin, and improve the appearance of the buttocks.